Florence Cardenti lives and works in Paris. She holds degrees in Fine Arts (Université Jean Monnet de Saint-Etienne) and Photography (Université Paris8). She worked for 15 years in multimedia project design and image technologies before devoting herself entirely to artistic creation. Her projects question the certainties systems of representation such as history, cartography and museography, and lead her to explore archives, field photographs and experiments.
She combines personal production, collaboration and commissions from artists and institutions. Her work can be found in public and private collections in France and abroad, including the Bibliothèque Nationale de France, the École des Ponts and the Alpenverein in Innsbruck, Austria. She takes part in several exhibitions as part of private programs (Galerie Inn Situ, Innsbruck 2022) and festivals such as the Biennale de l'image Tangible in 2023 and 24 CARATS in 2024. She combines personal production, collaborations and commissions with institutions, and teaches photography and the visual arts, as she did at the Université Gustave Eiffel for 7 years.
June > August 2024. Traversées and De toute part le rivage, L'EAU, L'OR BLEUE, group show, Mains d'oeuvres, Saint-Ouen [24 CARAT - La Matropolitaine].
nov. > Dec. 2023. “ECHO”, Galerie Data, Paris, Biennale de l'image tangible (prizewinner)
2023. “Genau jetz!” , ECHO, ALPENVEREIN. Group exhibition at the IN SITU gallery, Innsbruck (Autriche)
2022. “SISYPHE, UN LENDEMAIN” duo. exposition exhibition at the Data gallery, Paris, December 2022. and at the La Curiosité gallery, Paris June 2022
2020. Les bruits de pas sur le plancher. Group exhibition at the IMMIX gallery, 75010 Paris. http://galerie.immix.free.fr
July 2019. « Présence(s) Mêlée(s) ». Group exhibition with the Voies Off Festival, Arles 2019, Art Trope .
November 2018 . Winner of Mois de la Photo de Grenoble avec “Eléments”, Group exhibition from la Maison de l’Image of Grenoble. Ancien musée de la peinture, Grenoble.
October 2018. “BLURRED”, With Sophie Cuffia and Rachael Woodson. Exhibition at the Openbach gallery, Paris 13.
6 october 2018. “Un Mur D’Images”, with the Diaph8 collective for the Nuit Blanche of Paris.
May 2018. A-N-D, at Espace d'art ALMA, Paris 5th. Group exhibition with the collective Diaph8, Curator of LE NOYAU and Daniela Zuniga.
Avril 2018. Symposium du CIRBE "Art de l'image, Automédialité, fabrique de soi". Group exhibition, at la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, Paris Nord and at the University Paris 13.
2017. Coelacanthe book acquired by the Bibliothèque Nationale de France for their collection of artists' books.
March 2017. “Regarde-moi ça”, collective exhibition at Galerie Mains d’Oeuvre, Saint-Ouen with the 2016 graduating class Master of Fine Arts, Photography and Contemporary Art, Université Paris 8.
2016. “Infiniment Humain”, group exhibition with the collective Diaph8 for the 20th anniversary of La Maison de la Photographie Robert Doisneau, Gentilly.
2015. Photographic Festival of the 10th arrondissement, with Studio Dazzle, Paris.
2014. “Eléments” Collective exhibition at Imagineo Gallery, Paris 11 as part of Minimenta 2014. http://www.imagineo.fr
2014. “New York #5” Collective exhibition at Art intersection, Arizona USA. Winner of the Light Sensitive contest. http://artintersection.com
2013. “Danse” Winner of the Rebondir 2013 contest, collective exhibition at Galerie IMMIX, 75010 Paris. http://galerie.immix.free.fr/
2013. Dazzle Project #1 : “New York” Collective exhibition for Menilmontant Open House day with Studio Dazzle. http://www.ateliersde.menilmontant.org
2012. “Kyrielle” Collective exhibition “Changer de peau” at the Jean Verdier Center, Paris 75010. http://www.crl10.net
2012. “Diffraction” Winner of the Rebondir 2012 contest, collective exhibition at Galerie IMMIX, 75010 Paris. http://galerie.immix.free.fr/
2023. "INCLASSABLE". Collective work edited by Diaph 8, 2023
2022-23. "Entrepont". Commissioned by the Gustave Eiffel University and the École des Ponts, 2022
November 7, 2019. Intervention at the round table of the seminar “Teaching photography in Europe”, at the BNF, François Mitterrand site, Paris. https://www.bnf.fr/fr/agenda/seigner-la-photographie-en-europe
June 2019. Production of the photographic artist's book Coelacanthe 2, Hommes de pierre, self-published.
2019. Teaching "Practice of photography", L2 Visual Studies, Multimedia and Digital Arts at the University of Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée.
January 2019. Coordination of the photographic exhibition "The stake of the surface", Collective exhibition, at Galerie IMMIX, 75010, for L’Université Paris 8 and the collective Diaph8.
December 2019. Three Days Photo 2/3 | A day with Florence Cardenti | Adobe France, Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=WXh6HnjwGQk.
Sept 2019. Creation of the photographic artist's book Je préfère lesoubliés, self-published.
April 2018. Organization (communication and exhibition) of the CIRBE symposium "Art of the image, Self-education, self-making" and intervention on the theme "Body and geography" with the book (Sur) Nature, Colombia.
March 2018. Production of the photographic artist's book (Sur) Nature, Colombia, self-published.
January, 2018. Portrait of an Art-Trope Artist : photographer Florence Cardenti. https://www.art-trope.com/art-news/arttrope-artist-photographer-florence-cardenti/
2017-2018. Member of the "Image arts, Auto-mediality and self-making" Axis of CIRBE. (International College of Biographical Research in Education)
June, July, September 2017. Lead creative workshops at the Fondation Cartier pour l’art Contemporain.
April 2017. Eduardo Arroyo, by Olivier Weber-Caflisch, photographs by Florence Cardenti, « Anoche tuve un sueno » #21, Madrid. http://www.anochetuveunsueno.com
Oct 19, 2016. Eléments, le temps des révélations dans Les billets, Diaph8 website. http://www.diaph8.org/2016/10/19/elements/